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Keys to Success in A Vegan Diet

If social media posts are any indication, veganism is set to take over modern dieting. Currently, 2.5% of Americans consider themselves vegan, and omit all animal-derived foods and products. Currently, dieticians are split regarding how optimal a pure-plant based diet is for health. According the German Nutrition Society, it is "difficult or impossible to attain an adequate supply of some nutrients" while on a vegan diet. This is why experts stress that vegan diets MUST be planned out, to achieve the proper balances. According to them, intake of the following 10 nutrients below must be focused on: Vitamin B12, Protein, Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, Riboflavin, Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Zinc, and Selenium. For the key tips to do this, read on. :)

First, just like before starting any other type of diet, you should meet with a dietician, to create a personalized meal plan. The dietician can go over any food allergies, eating habits, likes, and dislikes, that could prevent you from eating nutrient-dense items. They can also determine and prescribe proper supplement types and amounts to balance out any deficiencies, based on your diet. Otherwise, you may end up taking too much or too little of these supplements, leading to serious health issues like lowered immunity, kidney stones, and heart damage. So, at the very least, consult an expert resource, when crafting your new vegan lifestyle.

Second, once again, PLAN AHEAD. Not every place and social situation has vegan options, so be sure to carry something vegan-approved, so you don't miss out on nutrients in the day. Some good "clean" protein bar brand options are Amrita, Rise, and Square. All three contain at least 15 grams of plant-based protein, to hold you over until you have vegan options available. Another helpful tool, to download, is a GPS app that displays nearby vegan food options.

Third, a point that is not stressed enough, the key to a successful vegan diet is eating a wide variety of foods. One great way to gain inspiration, from your meal habits, is with a vegan cookbook (Sharon Palmer - Plant Powered For Life). For example, simply regularly adding beans, legumes, or grains to your salad adds a wide spectrum of untapped nutrients. Another way to incorporate essential vitamins and minerals, is with vegan and vegetarian, gluten-free cassava bread, or bammy. It is rich in fiber, low in fat, low in sugar, and a digestive resistant starch. Overall, always remember that some nutrients may need to come in the form of supplements.

Finally, if all else seems to fail, consider being "vegan-ish". If your motivation is for ethical or animal rights, this might not be an option, but, if your only focus is health, some fish or eggs could benefit you. Often, the struggle of pure veganism causes a person to completely revert back to negative eating habits, such as limited produce consumption. Thus, striking a compromise often leads to a healthy, long-term eating pattern. Either way, be healthy and be happy about what you eat. ^.^

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