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Basic Sugar Substitute Knowledge

Because of our new knowledge of the dangers of refined sugar, many restaurants, and grocery stores, now offer "healthy substitutes" for sugar. When you choose these options, you think that they're more nutritious and healthy for you. Today we'll go over the 8 worst and best sweeteners that you'll commonly find.

Worst -

Equal: Made from aspartame. Increases heart attack and heart disease risk. Usually found in diet drinks, and is 75% of all FDA reported food reactions.

Splenda: Made from sucralose. Research found that sucralose consumption increased insulin levels, decreased gut bacteria, and increased risk of type-2 diabetes and obesity.

Sweet-N-Low: Made from saccharin, 200x sweeter than sugar. Center for Science in the Public Interest recommended avoiding this sweetener, after raised bladder cancer risk in rats.

Agave Nectar: Previously a popular health and diabetic item, because of its glycemic index of 11. Because it contains high carbohydrates, this sweetener contains higher levels of fructose than high-fructose corn syrup, and can lead to metabolic disease.

Best -

Stevia: Made from natural plant, indigenous to Peru and Brazil. Little to no additives, and helps to improve insulin sensitivity, improving the body's use of glucose.

Raw Honey: All-natural, contains no preservatives. Made from the nectar of flowers. Anti-bacterial, in darker honeys, and easily digest-able, because of its glucose-like chemical structure.

Coconut Sugar: Made from the sweet sap of the coconut palm tree. Tastes like brown sugar, with more vitamins and minerals. Lower glycemic index compared to refined sugar. Although it contains inulin, studies find varying amounts, based on manufacturer and the required 30g would be impossible to get.

Pure Organic Maple Syrup: Make sure it isn't mixed with corn syrup. Provides numerous antioxidants and health benefits.

There's a little taste for you (pun intended), on things to look for, or avoid, while replacing sugar in your diet. Over the next weeks, I'll get you a more comprehensive list of alternate sugar benefits and negatives, to find the best substitute for you. Currently, Jah Manna offers pre-packaged cassava flour, for all your baking needs. Eventually, we hope to provide a pre-sweetened baking blend, as well.

Have a splendid Monday! :D

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